موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن أهمية التعليم The Importance of Education

الأربعاء، 13 يونيو 2012

هذا موضوع باللغة الانجليزية عن أهمية التعليم The Importance of Education , سوف يفيدك هذا الموضوع في التحدث والكتابة, سواء كان الموضوع فرضا منزليا في فصل اللغة الانجليزية أو امتحانا أو اختبارا فإن هذا …

هذا موضوع باللغة الانجليزية عن أهمية التعليم The Importance of Education, سوف يفيدك هذا الموضوع في التحدث والكتابة, سواء كان الموضوع فرضا منزليا في فصل اللغة الانجليزية أو امتحانا أو اختبارا فإن هذا الموضوع (التوبيك) سوف يفيدك في كتاب مقال إنشائي جميل بالانجليزية.

What would you do if you were not allowed to get an education? You couldn’t read or write. You had to work a minimum wage job at a factory and you weren’t happy with the job. You couldn’t teach your kid any skills because you didn’t learn anything.

The biggest part of growing up is making the right choices that benefit you in the future. The idea is to get an education so you can choose a career, have hope, and reach your goals and dreams. Education is powerful because without it, early civilizations would have struggled to survive and thrive as a culture. It is important that adults trained the young of their society in the knowledge and skills they would need to master and eventually pass on.

The evolution of culture, and human beings as a species depended on the practice of knowledge. When cultures began to extend their knowledge beyond the basic skills of communicating, trading, gathering food, religious practices, etc, formal education, and schooling, eventually followed. Schooling in this sense was already in place in old times.

Without knowledge you can’t be informed nor can you truly understand the meaning of many topics. It is important to have knowledge, so you can passed your knowledge to the next generation.

The Right to Education is a fundamental human right. It occupies a central place in Human Rights and is essential and indispensable for the exercise of all other human rights and for development. "As an empowerment right, education is the primary vehicle by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty, and obtain the means to participate fully in their communities." None of the civil, political, economic and social rights can be exercised by individuals unless they have received a certain minimum education.

In conclusion, I think that education is important and valuable because without learning, the world would function more poorly. I choose to get an education because I want happiness, a future, financial security and knowledge. Don’t let anybody tell you that your education isn’t important to your future. Because you’re selling yourself short.

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